Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Patients Diagnosed with End-Stage Kidney Disease Registered on the Kidney Transplant Waiting List Regarding Organ Transplantation and Donation
Donor Perceptions in Kidney Transplantation
Organ donation, transplantation, ESRD, attitudes, behaviorsAbstract
Background: The aim of this study is to determine the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of patients diagnosed with end-stage renal disease who are registered on the kidney transplant waiting list regarding organ donation and transplantation. Additionally, it will be examined whether these results vary according to sociodemographic characteristics.
Materials and Methods: The research was conducted with patients registered on the kidney transplant waiting list at Medicana International Ankara Hospital between April 15 and June 15, 2022. An attempt was made to reach the entire population, and the research was conducted with 120 participants (28.5%). A survey was used as the data collection method in this descriptive study, consisting of 30 questions that included sociodemographic characteristics as well as statements regarding organ donation and transplantation.
Results: It was found that 52.5% of the participants were female, 31.7% were in the 35-49 age range, 70.8% did not smoke, 37.5% had primary school education, and 70.8% were married. All patients were undergoing dialysis treatment, and 36.7% had been on the kidney transplant waiting list for less than 3 years. It was found that 53.3% of the participants had previously received education on organ transplantation or donation, 75% did not have an organ donation card, and 46.7% were not willing to donate organs. 74.2% of the patients found the studies conducted nationwide on organ donation to be inadequate, and 45% did not trust the organ distribution system.
Conclusion: The knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of the participants regarding organ donation and transplantation are not at the desired level. There are statistically significant differences in the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of patients according to their age and education level. It is considered that the study results will assist decision-makers in identifying the situation related to patients, raising awareness among all stakeholders, and determining a roadmap for solution proposals.
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