Journal of European Internal Medicine Professionals (JEIMP)
ISSN: 2980-0617
Koç Towers, Söğütözü Street No:2 Block 90 B, 06510, Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey
Instructions for Authors and Guidance For Submission to JEIMP
About the Journal of European Internal Medicine Professionals (JEIMP)
Journal of European Internal Medicine Professionals (JEIMP) aims to promote values in internal medicine, enable clinicians and all healthcare providers to be well-informed participants of the medical community and society, advance standards in the design, conduct, and reporting of scientific research, and contribute to improving the health of humanity. JEIMP intends to take responsibility by publishing a wide variety of original research, reviewing articles, discussing guidelines briefly, and sharing suggestions relevant to clinical practice. Healthcare delivery, public health, healthcare policy, medical education, ethics, and research methodology are the main focus of JEIMP. Lastly, the authors are encouraged and invited to state their opinions on enhancing a current problem relevant to community health.
Among the editorials of JEIMP are experienced internists and subspecialists who have worked in the field of internal medicine for many years. Internal medicine is one of the main branches of general medicine, and can not be considered apart from the other branches of medicine. Thus, the articles to be submitted to JEIMP, even from different branches, will be considered for publication as long as they are related to the basic principles of internal diseases.
Scope of JEIMP
JEIMP is refeered, open access, and published four times a year in the English language. The journal is aimed to be indexed in many common, respected, and accessible indexes.
Submitting a paper to JEIMP
The manuscript must not be published elsewhere, and under revision for publication anywhere else. If any, this condition should be stated in the manuscript as a footnote. The manuscript must be approved by all co-authors before submission. In some institutes, the responsible authorities may request the final version for assessment before submitting the paper for publication. So, consider this point to avoid inappropriate legal responsibilities. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should be any claims for compensation. The statement of the corresponding author on behalf of co-authors legally does the authors responsible for all actions regarding the submitted papers.
Authors have a responsibility to deliver to JEIMP the owner(s)’ permission for the figures, tables, or text passages that have been already been published elsewhere. JEIMP will not be responsible for the content of the paper submitted, and not be a part of the conflict of interest between the authors and third persons and foundations.
The submission process will be started at; by using the hyperlink “make a new submission” and all mandatory files must be uploaded in the same way. The upload buttons also will refer you to choices. All relevant editable sources should be uploaded at every submission and revision. Use a checklist to check the availability of all sources. If the sources are lacking, the submission will be incomplete, and the article not be considered for review.
JEIMP requires an authorship form that makes all authors aware of their scientific paper conductions. The form should be uploaded with other files under the title supplementary files. The form can be downloaded here (authorship form).
JEIMP also requires a completed ICMJE form to submit a paper. A commercial benefit or conflict of interest statement among authors related to the submitted article must be explained via using this form and also should be stated in the text just before references under a subheading of disclosure. ICMJE form can be obtained from:
Title Page
An informative title that conforms to the text content should be used.
Author(s) name(s) should be given with, institution, department, city(state), country,
Example: Mehmet Emin Demir, Atılım University School of Medicine, Department of Nephrology, Ankara, Turkey
The author's name order should fit with the other documents you stated.
The corresponding author also should write an e-mail, address of the affiliation, 16-digit ORCID ID number, and mobile or office phone number.
If the author(s) have no affiliation, the statement of the city and country of residence is enough.
Also, a title page should be filled with additional information required in the title page form.
Cover Page
A cover page form that includes a title and a uniform introduction of the manuscript to the editor(s) should be submitted. The cover page form can be obtained from download cover letter form.
Types of Papers
JEIMP considers some kinds of papers for publication.
Editorial: Commentary on current topics or on articles published in various journals. (Reviewed only by the editors of JEIMP)
Table 1. The concept of “editorial”
Title |
A short and clear title demonstrates the importance of the paper |
Abstract |
None |
Text |
< 1000 word |
References |
<10 references |
Tables/Figures/Pictures |
2-3 |
References: References should be uniform and written in accordance with the AMA citation guide (download).
Original Article: Reports of original analyses of data on prevalence, causes, mechanisms, diagnosis, course, treatment, and prevention of disease. (Peer reviewed)
Table 2. The concept of “original article”
Title |
A clear and short title emphasizes the content of the paper |
Running Title |
Maximum 5 words |
Author(s) |
should not be included |
Abstract <300 words |
Structured as; Background, material and method, result(s), conclusion, and keywords (3-5 keywords) |
Main Text <5000 words |
Structured as; Introduction Material and Methods: Including subheads of the study design, data source, case selection, exclusion criteria, laboratory measurements, if any intervention methods Statistical Analysis Results Discussion Limitations Conclusion(s) Declarations; Ethics Committee Approval: Confirm that an Institutional Review Board approved the study prior to data collection. If an Institutional Review Board did not review the study, provide documentation that not seeking Institutional Review Board review was in accordance with the policy of your institution. Financial Disclosure: Author contributions: Conflict of interest declaration: Informed consent form: Funding source: Identify the funding source for the study and its role in the study’s design, conduct, and reporting. Put this information under the last subheading of the Methods section and title the subhead “Role of the Funding source”. References: <60 references Tables: ≤5 tables (place the captions above the tables) Figures: ≤5 figures (tables + figures counts should be less than 8) (place the captions below the figures/pictures) |
Protocol |
We encourage authors to submit the study protocol that was approved by the Institutional Review Board. In the case of trials, authors should submit the original trial protocol approved by the Institutional Review Board and subsequent amendments. Make sure that these documents are dated appropriately |
Keywords: Original articles, case reports, meta-analyses, and reviews must contain at least 3 keywords. Keywords should be given in accordance with 'Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)' ( Keywords should be at the bottom of the abstract page.
Figures, Pictures, Tables, and Graphics: Figures, pictures, tables, and graphics should be numbered in accordance with the order in which they are processed in the article, and each should be sent on a separate page after the references section. The places where figures, pictures, tables, and graphics are used in the text should be indicated at the end of the relevant sentence. Explanations should be added below for figures and pictures, and above for tables and graphics.
If the figures, pictures, tables, and graphics to be added to the Word file of the article are larger than 1 MB, they can be added to the system as a separate jpg or gif file. In this case, the jpg or gif file should be named according to the numbers in the word form of the article. Figures, pictures, tables, or graphics must be prepared with a resolution of at least 300 dpi and added to the system in order to ensure the standard in print quality.
Abbreviations used in figures, pictures, tables, and graphics should be specified in the description of the relevant image.
Figures, pictures, and graphics should be at most 16*20 cm, at least 8 cm in size, and should be sent undeformed by enlarging or reducing.
Written permission must be obtained if figures, pictures, tables, and graphics that have been previously published or published elsewhere are used. This permission should be stated in the description of figures, pictures, tables, and graphics.
References: References should be uniform and written in accordance with the AMA citation guide (download).
Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis: Includes the comments, critique, and outcomes derivated from previous studies to synthesize evidence to indicate a more strong suggestion on the issue. See also: The Editors. Reviews: Making Sense of an Often Tangled Skein of Evidence. Ann Intern Med, Jun 2005; 142: 1019-20. (Peer reviewed)
Table 3. The concept of “systematic reviews and meta-analysis”
Title |
Should include “A systematic review of…” or “a systematic review and meta-analysis of…” |
Authors |
should not be included |
Text |
< 5000 words (except abstract and references) |
Structured |
Abstract (similar to the original article’s abstract structure), Keywords (3-5 keywords), Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions (Methods should include subheadings: Data sources and searches, Study selection, Data extraction, Excluded data, Data synthesis, and analysis. Additionally, a detailed statistical explanation should be done under the Statistical Analysis subheading) Disclosure; Ethics Committee Approval: Confirm that an Institutional Review Board approved the study prior to data collection. If an Institutional Review Board did not review the study, provide documentation that not seeking Institutional Review Board review was in accordance with the policy of your institution. Financial Disclosure: Author contributions: Conflict of interest declaration: Informed consent form: Funding source: Identify the funding source for the study and its role in the study’s design, conduct, and reporting. Put this information under the last subheading of the Methods section and title the subhead “Role of the Funding source”. References: <75 references Tables: ≤6 tables (place the captions above the tables) Figures: ≤6 figures (tables + figures counts should be less than 10) (place the captions below the figures/pictures) |
Keywords: Original articles, case reports, meta-analyses, and reviews must contain at least 3 keywords. Keywords should be given in accordance with 'Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)' ( Keywords should be at the bottom of the abstract page.
Figures, Pictures, Tables, and Graphics: Figures, pictures, tables, and graphics should be numbered in accordance with the order in which they are processed in the article, and each should be sent on a separate page after the references section. The places where figures, pictures, tables, and graphics are used in the text should be indicated at the end of the relevant sentence. Explanations should be added below for figures and pictures, and above for tables and graphics.
If the figures, pictures, tables, and graphics to be added to the Word file of the article are larger than 1 MB, they can be added to the system as a separate jpg or gif file. In this case, the jpg or gif file should be named according to the numbers in the word form of the article. Figures, pictures, tables, or graphics must be prepared with a resolution of at least 300 dpi and added to the system in order to ensure the standard in print quality.
Abbreviations used in figures, pictures, tables, and graphics should be specified in the description of the relevant image.
Figures, pictures, and graphics should be at most 16*20 cm, at least 8 cm in size, and should be sent undeformed by enlarging or reducing.
Written permission must be obtained if figures, pictures, tables, and graphics that have been previously published or published elsewhere are used. This permission should be stated in the description of figures, pictures, tables, and graphics.
References: References: References should be uniform and written in accordance with the AMA citation guide (download).
Case report: Reports are presenting a single patient or a series of patients using a structured format (Background, the case(s), discussion of the case(s), References, and Acknowledgement). These reports can clearly explain the relations between the cause, intervention/therapy, and outcome and do not include a general inferential.
Table 4. The concept of “case report”
Title |
A short, clear title strongly indicating the content |
Authors |
should not be included |
Background |
<100 words A Brief explanation of case(s) Keywords (3-5 keywords) |
Text |
750 words maximum (except references) |
Structured |
Introduction, Case, Discussion, Conclusion |
References |
8 or fewer references |
Acknowledgment |
Financial Disclosure: Author contributions: Conflict of interest declaration: Informed consent form: |
Tables/Figures/Pictures |
A maximum sum of 3 tables/figures/pictures (place the captions above the tables) (place the captions below the figures/pictures) |
Keywords: Original articles, case reports, meta-analyses, and reviews must contain at least 3 keywords. Keywords should be given in accordance with 'Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)' ( Keywords should be at the bottom of the abstract page.
Figures, Pictures, Tables, and Graphics: Figures, pictures, tables, and graphics should be numbered in accordance with the order in which they are processed in the article, and each should be sent on a separate page after the references section. The places where figures, pictures, tables, and graphics are used in the text should be indicated at the end of the relevant sentence. Explanations should be added below for figures and pictures, and above for tables and graphics.
If the figures, pictures, tables, and graphics to be added to the Word file of the article are larger than 1 MB, they can be added to the system as a separate jpg or gif file. In this case, the jpg or gif file should be named according to the numbers in the word form of the article. Figures, pictures, tables, or graphics must be prepared with a resolution of at least 300 dpi and added to the system in order to ensure the standard in print quality.
Abbreviations used in figures, pictures, tables, and graphics should be specified in the description of the relevant image.
Figures, pictures, and graphics should be at most 16*20 cm, at least 8 cm in size, and should be sent undeformed by enlarging or reducing.
Written permission must be obtained if figures, pictures, tables, and graphics that have been previously published or published elsewhere are used. This permission should be stated in the description of figures, pictures, tables, and graphics.
References: References should be uniform and written in accordance with the AMA citation guide (download).
Letter to Editor: Authors who wish to comment on papers published in JEIMP are able to send a comment letter to the article on JEIMP considers the comments on the paper published in the last 1 year for publication. Editors can select among comments, refuse and request an additional explanation for publication. Further, the owner of the paper on which comments were made has the right to respond to those comments.
Table 5. The concept of “letter to the editor”
Title |
Comment on: “……………….” |
Authors |
should not be included |
Abstract |
None |
Text |
400 words maximum (except references) |
References |
5 or fewer references |
Tables/Figures/Pictures |
A maximum sum of 2 tables/figures/pictures (place the captions above the tables) (place the captions below the figures/pictures) |
References: References should be uniform and written in accordance with the AMA citation guide (download).
Medicine and Public Health: Includes the papers related to the ethical, social, and healthcare providers’ current status (Peer reviewed)
Table 6. The concept of “medicine and public health”
Title |
No restriction |
Authors |
should not be included |
Abstract |
<200 words Keywords (3-5 keywords) |
Text |
<2000 words |
Structured |
Introduction, Discussion, and Opinions on Solutions |
References |
<25 references |
Tables/Figures/Pictures |
A sum of 5 of Tables/Figures/Pictures (place the captions above the tables) (place the captions below the figures/pictures) |
Writing Rules and References
JEIMP publishes the article in the English language. English articles and English abstracts should be checked by a professional linguist before being submitted. The spelling and grammatical errors in the manuscript are considered by our English language consultant and editorial committee. If the language does not conform to a sufficient English linguistic structure, the editors may refer to an external person or foundation for correction of the English writing with certification.
After submission of the article, the name of the authors, the order of authors, and the corresponding author are not allowed to change. If it is mandatory, the article should be withdrawn and the article should be resubmitted.
The authors should be in adherence to the following issues to make the process faster. Manuscripts are double-spaced with Microsoft Word, and titles (Abstract, Introduction, Material and Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion(s), References, and Declarations) are written in 12 pt., other parts of articles are written in 11 pt., 2.5 cm space should be written at the top and bottom. The writing style should be Times New Roman. “System International” (SI) units should be used. Figures, tables, pictures, and graphics should be referenced in the text. Abbreviations should be given in parentheses where the word first appears. English should be 50% contiguous, and a period (55.78) should be used in English manuscripts.
References: References should be uniform and written in accordance with the AMA citation guide (download).
Tables and Figures
All tables and figures/pictures are to be numbered using Arabic numerals. Tables and figures must be cited in the text appropriately in numerical order. A table caption (above the table) and a figure/picture caption (below the figure/picture) explaining its components should be given. If the table or figure/picture is a component of a previously published material authors should cite it at the end of the caption and add the citation to the references. Footnotes, abbreviations, and explanations of the statistical methods (given special characters in the body) should be included beneath the table/figure/picture body. Table(s), figure(s), and picture(s) should be embedded in the main text following references (according to their mentioned order in the text).
Figures and pictures should be prepared by using high-resolution. The text and implications embedded in the figures/pictures should be clearly read and understood. Table(s), figure(s), and picture(s) should be also uploaded separately on submission pages.
Ethical Standards
To ensure objectivity and transparency in research and to ensure that accepted principles of ethical and professional conduct have been followed, authors should include information regarding sources of funding, potential conflicts of interest (financial or non-financial), informed consent if the research involved human participants, and a statement on the welfare of animals if the research involving animals.
Please note that standards could vary slightly per journal dependent on their peer review policies (i.e. single double-blinded peer review) as well as per journal subject discipline. Before submitting your article check the instructions following this section carefully.
The corresponding author should be prepared to collect documentation of compliance with ethical standards and send it if requested during peer review or after publication.
The corresponding author will include a summary statement in the text of the manuscript in a separate section before the reference list, that reflects what is recorded in the potential conflict of interest disclosure form(s).
Please make sure to submit all Conflict of Interest disclosure forms together with the manuscript.
See below for examples of disclosures:
Funding: This study was funded by X (grant number X).
Conflict of Interest: Author A has received research grants from Company A. Author B has received a speaker honorarium from Company X and owns stock in Company Y. Author C is a member of committee Z. If no conflict exists, the authors should state; “Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest”.
Authors’ contributions: All authors declare that they have all participated in the design, execution, and analysis of the paper and that they have approved the final version.
The protocol for clinical research articles must be approved by the Ethics Committee. In all studies conducted on humans, the “Material and Method” section was approved by the relevant committee or the Helsinki Declaration of Principles ( It should be stated in the text under the section Methods. If “Animal” was used in the study, the authors stated in the Material and Method section of the article that they protect animal rights in accordance with the principles of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals ( and that they have received approval from the ethics committees of their institutions. it is difficult. In case reports Informed Consent should be obtained from patients regardless of their identity of the patient. If the article includes the institution (directly or indirectly) providing financial support for the commercial connection or work, the authors; the commercial product used, the drug, the company has no commercial relationship with, or if there is any relationship (consultant, other agreements, etc.), the editor must inform the presentation page. If the Ethics Committee Approval is required in the article; the received document should be sent with the article. The article should be passed by the authors for the academic plagiarism prevention program. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that the article complies with the ethical rules.
Informed Consent Form
All patients have the right to know what will happen with the information or materials (photos, video, or physical features) which is being collected from them. This is a more important concern for vulnerable people; children, minors, patients, and refugees. Under certain circumstances, consent is not necessary as long as data is anonymized and the submission does not include images that may identify the person. However, an ethics committee approval would be appropriate and this will legally support the submission of a paper. Images (x-ray, laparoscopic images, ultrasound images, brain scans, and pathology slides) that do not carry a concern about identifying information do not necessitate obtaining consent.
All research involving humans requires freely given, informed consent to participate in the study. If a patient is < 18 years old their parent or legal guardian may be asked for permission. Individuals may consent to participate in a study but object to having their data published in a journal article. Authors should make sure to also seek consent from individuals to publish their data prior to submitting their paper to a journal. This is in particular applicable to case studies. A consent to publish form can be found:
Editing Services
After approval of the article following the evaluation of editor(s) and referees, all authors will be informed by an “acceptance letter” via e-mail. The layout services of JEIMP will prepare a PDF with a DOI number but without page number(s), and will request the corresponding author to consider the final version of the article within 72 hours just before publishing. If no reply, the final version of the PDF will be published by JEIMP. All authors will be informed via e-mail if any change is performed by the corresponding author.
Open Access Publishing
Open access allows your research to be more visible and accessible immediately upon publication. In 2023 all publishing procedures will be conducted with free and open access. The publisher is planning to receive a publishing fee for open-access publishing in the following years to source for maintaining JEIMP’s sustainability.
Check your submitted paper whether conforms to JEIMP’s requirement to start an evaluation procedure. The checklist should include the subjects listed below.
Note: Please use a plagiarism checker program to reduce the similarities and to establish more originality in your paper. The responsibility regarding the content of the paper belongs to the corresponding author(s).
A quick consideration before submission
Consider those questions;
For editors;
Submission instructions:
should meet the standard requirements.
NOTE: If a member of the journal's editorial board submits an article, their editorial responsibilities are adjusted to prevent their involvement in the peer review and editorial processes of their submission. To maintain a double-blind review process, the editor's access to their own article's workflow is restricted until a final decision—acceptance or rejection—is made.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
The digital archiving policy
The digital archiving is provided by a special data archiving network system (Open Journal System Database).
Journal of European Internal Medicine Professionals (JEIMP)
ISSN: 2980-0617
Koç Towers, Söğütözü Street No:2 Block 90 B, 06510, Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey
The journal supports the researchers in improving the articles' English language. For support send a post to representatives listed below.
The journal is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
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